Marcus' WebShack

A very special Ugly American edition

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sweet home Yakima

Back home after a week in England.

As soon as the plane touched down in Seattle, my throat started to feel sore. Six days and a wicked case of jet lag later, I've almost kicked a pretty nasty cold. Still hacking and sniffling a bit.

Sunday was lawn mowing day. It had been two weeks since I mowed last and it showed. In some places the grass was more than a foot tall. Not much I could do about it, being out of the country and under the weather and all. So basically, my yard now looks like it has a really bad haircut. A little uneven, some missed spots, but things will be better next week.

Monday I drove to the Tri-Cities for some damn reason. I started out heading south on I-82, and kept driving until I got to Kennewick. That's my best explanation for it. It's been awhile since I've done a trip like that. I spent most of the time listening to CNN's coverage of President Bush's speech on illegal immigration. Being a journalist by trade, I'll keep my opinion on the subject to myself.

Back to work Tuesday.


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